Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


Die wahre geschichte über Badfinger (Marianne and Tom)

Die wahre geschichte über Badfinger    by Dylan Cem Akalin 
The true story about Badfinger 
part 1   The History of Marianne and Tom
Without You ASCAP
jazzandrockcom spotlight

Die wahre geschichte über Badfinger 
The true story about Badfinger 
part 2   How the Next Beatles were Betrayed
Nacional Academy



BBC Wales / Week In Week Out (1987) Badfinger

Week In Week Out (1987) 
Badfinger / Song for a Lost Friend 

Week In Week Out

Bob Jackson wiwo
Ron Griffiths wiwo
Marianne Evans wiwo
Stephen Evans 
Stephen wiwo
Petera Ham 
Petera wiwo
Anne Herriot wiwo
John Ham wiwo
Bill Collins wiwo
Terry Williams wiwo
Deke Leonard wiwo
Tim Douglas-Jones wiwo
1986年暮の時点での このドキュメンタリー番組の情報 
スウォンジーのロジャー・エバンスというソングライターが ホワイ という、ピートとトムに捧げる歌を作った。
この番組は ウィークイン・ウィークアウト のスペシャル番組で、現時点では放送日時も、BBCウェールズだけのローカル放送になるのかもはっきりしていない。 


One''s bad enough. ................Two's too many. 字幕10

One''s bad enough. ................Two's too many.  27:13-29:30 字幕10 
[Narrator]  Meanwhile, Pete's band-mate and best friend Tommy Evans was slowly falling apart. 
[Marianne Evans]  When he died, Tommy didn't have anybody he could talk to, write songs with, his other half was gone so he felt lost and lonely. Many times he said, "I want to be there where he is." Everything went wrong for Tommy as well - tax problems, taxman after him, somebody sued him for five million - so everything just collapsed. 
[Beverley Tucker]  Tom tried really hard after Pete died. He kind of tried to make it better, not just for him but for Pete, but they got set back after set back. 
[Narrator]  Eight years after Pete's death, Tommy also hanged himself. 
[Tag Hall]  I was angry with Tommy when he took his life. Too many people had gone through enough with Peter's death cos you don't tend to bury friends before you're 30. One''s bad enough. ................Two's too many. 
 #coppertone blues 
[Narrator]  It all happened a long time ago but for those who lived through it, the story of Badfinger, the friendships and the music, live on. 
 #no matter what 
[Narrator]  Now, it's time for a new chapter to be written. On the 20th of August, 2013, Petera gave birth to Pete's first grandchild, who she called Luca William Ham. 
 #no matter what 
I've got his music and I'm just very, very proud.   00:00-01:40 字幕00 
[PA]  Today is a really important day for this city. Today is a day we honour one of our sons. 
 #no matter what 
[Narrator]   In April 2013, people from all over the world came to Swansea in South Wales to pay tribute to Pete Ham, an unsung hero of British pop music. 
 #no matter what 
[man]  Today I believe is a long overdue event in Swansea. It's recognising Pete, Pete Ham, and what he did, not only for Swansea but for the music scene in general. 
 #no matter what 
[PA]  When we unveil the plaque, we'll honour Peter, but we put on record that if you are a kid from Swansea, you can still do something amazing and you can change the world! 
[Narrator]  Amongst the guests were Pete's partner Anne and his daughter Petera, who grew up in Glasgow without knowing her father. 
[PA]  This is Peter's daughter, Petera. 
[Ann Herriot]  It is very emotional for me, especially when I hear the Welsh accent. Petera, my daughter, is unveiling the plaque, which is lovely for me, for her to be doing that. 
[Petera Ham-Eddie]  Although I didn't know my dad, I still feel very close to him through all of his music and everything my mum tells me about him. Many people don't get hear things about their father after they go, at least I've got his music and I'm just very, very proud. 
[Narrator]  This is the story of Pete Ham and his band, Badfinger. 


[documentary] BBC Watchdog / Without You (January 16, 1997)

BBC Watchdog / Without You (January 16, 1997)
Marianne Evans
Marianne Evans

Beverley Tucker
Beverley Tucker

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