Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


[楽譜] Ron Sebregts arr. / Jan de Haan, Soli Brass - Without You (1994)

Ron Sebregts arr. / Jan de Haan conducted - Without You [Ham - Evans]
1994/   Sheet Music   De Haske Publications:DHP 0940594   Without You (Performed by Mariah Carey)
Ron Sebregts arr - DHP 0940594
Brass Band Soli Deo Gloria   conducter by Jan de Haan / Soli Gold
1994/10/25   CD   De Haske Records:DHM 03.017-3     9. Without You - 'Mariah Carey'
Jan de Haan - Soli Gold
Jan de Haan - Soli Gold back
Soli Brass  Jan de Haan and others / Soli Pop Hits [compilation]
2003/   2CD   De Haske Records:DHR 03.038/39-3     Disc:1-10. Without You (As performed by: Mariah Carey)
Jan de Haan - Soli Pop Hits
Jan de Haan - Soli Pop Hits back


Thomas Felberg presents / Drunk in a Ditch (2006)

[various artists] Thomas Felberg presents ‎/ Drunk in a Ditch (Songs from Rock Limbo 1969-1980) 
     Badfinger - Andy Norris [J. Molland]
Drunk in a Ditch
2006/   CD   Rhino Records(Norway):5051011-5679-2-6     17. Andy Norris 2:57 - Badfinger
Drunk in a Ditch CD

[Magazine+CD] Classic Rock #22 (Christmas 2000)

Classic Rock #22 (Christmas 2000) + FREE 11-TRACK CD Maximum Volume!
2000/12   CD   Classic Rock:CR22/13/00     Maximum Volume! [v.a.]    3. Lay Me Down 3:38 - Badfinger
Classic Rock 22 Christmas 2000 CD
cover: Slash
Classic Rock #22 Christmas 2000


Bobby Quick and the Speeds of Sound - Different Kind of House (2014)

Bobby Quick and the Speeds of Sound - Different Kind of House 

2014/02/06   CD/mp3   CD Baby:     Bobby Quick and the Speeds of Sound     2. Different Kind of House 
Bobby Quick And The Speeds Of Sound
Album Notes
Former Zero Parade indie rocker Bobby Quick, and his band "the Speeds of Sound" crafted this 6 song EP for those who are looking for the energy that only indie guitar rock can deliver. With three minute power pop songs that make you glad once again to discover new music, you will feel like your floating on an odyssey with roots in the 70's "Badfinger", to the quirky catchiness of the "Clash", to the raw energy of "Queens of the Stone Age". So much so that Badfingers Joey Molland makes a guest writing appearance on the 2nd track "Different Kind of House".
Bobby Quick and the Speeds of Sound - Knock Knocker (2014)

Zero Parade - Lemonade (1998)
   Bobby Quick (vocals/ guitar), Michael Edwards (bass), Tom Terrill (keyboards/ guitars), Mike Hanna (drums) 



Humlor Och Bin - Without You (1974)

Humlor Och Bin - Without You [Ham - Evans]
   [Produced by Tommy Halldén] [Recorded 17, 18, 19 January 1974 at EMI Studio, Stockholm]
Humlor Och Bin / Det går som en dans Vol. 6 
1974/   LP   Odeon:4E 054-34980     Side:2-6. Without You
Humlor Och Bin - 4E 054-34980
Humlor Och Bin - 4E 054-34980 back
1971年に ex-The Hounds の Janne Bråthe を中心に結成された Swedish Dance Band。73年秋にEMIと契約し、74年春に発売された Dance Bandを集めたシリーズの6枚目。
Humlor Och Bin
Janne Bråthe (v,b,trombone), Peter Forbes (v,b), Örjan Englund (v,g), Mats Öberg (k,v),
Sven Hellsten (d), Tommy Zwedeberg (trumpet)
2013年10月2日にStockholmで vocalの4人+ 新しいdrumsとtrumpetで演奏したらしいです。


Robin Zander Band - Baby Blue (2013/2014/2015)

Robin Zander Band - Baby Blue
     Robin Zander (v), Steve Luongo (d), Mark Hitt (g), Larry Hobbs (b)
Yabo Restaurant, Fort Myers, FL (2013/02/23)

The Chance in Poughkeepsie, NY (2013)

The Concert Pub - North, Houston, TX (2013/08/17)

Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, CA (2013/12/13)

2014/09/18 Live at Sellersville Theater, Sellersville, PA
[bootleg]   2CDR   Gypsy Eye Project:GEP-280A/B     I Want My Rock and Roll     Disc:1-7. Baby Blue
Robin Zander Band - I Want My Rock And Roll
Paramount Hudson Valley, Peekskill, NY (2014/09/19)

Live at B.B. Kings, NYC (2015/02/05)


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