Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


[Newspaper] The Flat Hat (1974)

The Flat Hat has been the College of William and Mary’s student newspaper since 1911. 
The Flat Hat (Feb. 22, 1974) 
The Flat Hat 19740222

William and Mary News (Feb. 26, 1974) 
William and Mary News 19740226

1974年3月3日に William and Mary Hall, Williamsburg, Virginia で上記バンドによるコンサートが開催されたのかよくわからない。Badfinger のサイトや本には前日3月2日の同じVirginia州でのライブは載っているが、この日は書かれていない。Status Quo のサイトには 03/03/1974  USA, Williamsburg - College William & Mary (with Nazareth) と書かれていた。 の Nazareth を調べると、当日はドイツのRock Festivalに出演と書いてある。 


[Newspaper] The Flat Hat (1972)

The Flat Hat has been the College of William and Mary’s student newspaper since 1911. 
The Flat Hat (Feb. 18, 1972) / The Flat Hat (Feb. 25, 1972) 
Badfinger + The Doors (March 4, 1972 / William and Mary Hall, Williamsburg, Virginia) 
The Flat Hat 19720225
The Flat Hat (Feb. 25, 1972) 
Doors Discuss Style 
The Flat Hat 19720225 Badfinger


[BBC] Totally British: 70s Rock 'n' Roll 1. (1970-1974) 再放送

Tonight from 10pm - the first of two hours of totally British Rock 'n Roll from the '70s 
[BBC] Totally British: 70s Rock 'n' Roll 1. (1970-1974) 
   First shown: 9pm 8 Mar 2013
Totally British 70s Rock 'n' Roll (1970-1974)
BBC Totally British 70s Rock 'n' Roll 1b 

Badfinger は最初に登場。 


[Magazine/ad] Billboard (December 25, 1971)

Billboard (December 25, 1971) 
American Talent International (ATI) 
Billboard 19711225
Billboard 19711225 ATI


Badfinger guitarist Joey Molland looks back on the making of 'Straight Up'

Alison Richter   May 24, 2016 
Badfinger guitarist Joey Molland looks back on the making of 'Straight Up'

Badfinger & Paul McCartney - Come and Get It (Studio & Demo Rope Wilbury mix)

Paul's demo in right channel, Badfinger on the left 

Come and Get It Badfinger McCartney 
Ringo Starr & George Harrison - It Don't Come Easy (Demo + Studio Rope Wilbury Mix) 

 [Bootleg] Revolution Take… Your Knickers Off! 
Come And Get It - Paul McCartney teaching The Iveys / Badfinger 

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