Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます



ナビゲーター: ハリー杉山&齋藤飛鳥(乃木坂46)
英会話コーナー ”HARRY'S ENGLISH CLASS” #26 Sep. 24, 2016  07:05-07:15 
Harry's English Class #26 Sep 24 2016

今回は飛鳥セレクトの洋楽からレッスン。 課題曲はBadfingerの”Carry On Till Tomorrow” 


Al Kooper (April/May 2004)

Al Kooper (April/May 2004) 
271 :ホワイトアルバムさん:04/04/20 00:54 ID:76k1DdP+

2004年4月8日 0:02 
I did work on a great version of Name Of The Game that I don't have 
a copy of but I'm sure a 'popper does. It's unreleased (of course) 
and it has Al's organ and remix. I toured with them a lot (we played 
Carnegie Hall together) They were great guys. 

Al "Goodfinger" Kooper 
Badfinger Carnegie Hall
289ホワイトアルバムさん:04/05/25 08:17 ID:GYsHLpLr

2004年5月24日 12:17 
Badfinger & I were managed by Stan Polley. We were also both booked by Jeff 
Franklin at ATI, so we toured together a great deal and even co-headlined Carnegie 
Hall. Their record company asked me to remix and add organ to a track they did 
so it could be released as a single. I went to the studio and worked all night on that 
project. It was a version of Name Of the Game that had a full orchestra on it. I 
overdubbed an organ and spent all night remixing it. Never came out. It was pretty 
darn good, too! 

Stan Polley is quite a character. He "manged" us, The Tokens, Lou Christie, 
Charlie Calello, Irwin Levine, Neil Bogart, Kenny Kerner & Richie Wise, and a 
few others. He extracted zillions of dollars from us, and then quietly disappeared 
to Palm Springs, where he resides today, in his late '80s. He got most of my Lynyrd 
Skynyrd money, all of Badfinger's, and probably a lot of the others mentioned. He 
was NOT a stupid man, he just had no regard for the human condition. In retrospect, 
he ruined my life financially until I got away from him and pulled myself up off the 
ground in the late '80s. He was not the only villain in my life, but a memorable one. 

G'night for now, 
Old Al Kooper 
 [Magazine] Cash Box (January 16, 1971) 


The Crowd - Name of the Game (2008)

The Crowd - Name of the Game (2008) 

The Crowd 
Paul Gomes: Guitars, Vocals, Bass 
Louis Gomes: Bass, Guitars, Vocals 
Scott Lamond: Drums, Keyboards, Vocals 
The Crowd
Paul と Scott が高校で出会い、1975年結成。当時のドラムスは後にセレブシェフとして有名になる Emeril Lagasse とのこと。 1982年に自主制作シングル With A Girl Like You b/w Passwords 。 
The Crowd - With A Girl Like You



[Acetate] The Dodgers - Don't Let Me Be Wrong

[Acetate] The Dodgers - Don't Let Me Be Wrong 
The Dodgers - Don't Let Me Be Wrong (Acetate)
Original UK One Sided 10" CBS Acetate from 1976. 
Features the unreleased faster Demo version, comes with an 8" x 10" Promo Photo !! 
The Dodgers - Don't Let Me Be Wrong Acetate 6月
この twitter の音が上のAcetate盤と同じなのか不明だけど、1978年のLPに収録のものと同じように聴こえて、明確な違いがわからない。 
 [Magazine/ad] New Musical Express (September 30, 1978) 


[Autograph] 2年に1度出てくるサイン

Scarce felt tip signatures of Pete Ham, Joey Molland, Mike Gibbings, and Tom Evans on an off-white 5 x 3.75 album page, with one band member adding “All the best in ‘73,” and collector’s typed notation along bottom. In fine condition, with small marginal binding holes to right edge and some light toning. 
Badfinger The Manor Studios, Oxford Dec 1972
Auction Date:2010 Dec 08 
Minimum Bid: $100.00 
Estimated At:100.00 - 200.00 USD 
Sold Price: $656.40 
Auction Date:2012 Feb 15 
Minimum Bid: $100.00 
Estimated At:100.00 - 200.00 USD 
Sold Price: $566.40 
Auction Date:2014 Aug 13 
Minimum Bid:  $200.00 
Estimated At:200.00 - 400.00 USD 
Sold Price:  $643.13 
 [RR Auction] Badfinger (December 9, 1972) 

 [Bootleg] Badfinger / The Apple Bonus Tracks 


Marquee Club Concert Programme (1967)

Marquee Club Concert Programme (July 1967) 
     Thur. 20th   Marmalade / The Iveys 
Marquee Club Programme July 1967
Marquee Club Concert Programme (October 1967) 
     Sat. 14th   The Neat Change / The Iveys 
Marquee Club Programme Oct 1967
Marquee Club Programme Oct 1967 closed
Marquee Club Concert Programme (November 1967) 
     Thur. 30th   The Marmalade / The Iveys / Savoy Brown Blues Band 
Marquee Club Programme Nov 1967
Marquee Club Concert Programme Nov 1967
 Marquee Club Concert Programme (November 1966) 
     Mon. 21st   Brian Auger / The Other Thing and Julie Driscoll / The Ivey's 
 Marquee Club Concert Programme (December  1966) 
     Fri. 9th   Sands / The Iveys 
     Thur. 22nd   The Pink Floyd / The Iveys 

 Marquee Club Concert Programme (January 1968) 
     Sat. 6th   The Iveys / The Open Mind 
     Thur. 25th   The Neat Change / The Iveys 
 Marquee Club Concert Programme (February 1968) 
     Sat. 3rd   The Iveys / The Open Mind 

 [Magazine] Melody Maker / Marquee Club ad (July-Nov 1967) 

 [Magazine] Melody Maker / Marquee Club ad (Jan-July 1968) 

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