Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


Joey Molland - Happy (July 26, 2017)

Joey Molland's Badfinger - Happy (July 26, 2017) the Triple Door, Seattle, WA 
The Triple Door July 26, 2017

Badfinger - Happy (June 19, 1996) Tulsa, OK 
   Joey Molland (g), Mark Healey (b), Brian Jentges (d) 

Joey Molland - Happy (July 14, 1996) LA Beatlefest 




Beatles Stories (2011)

Beatles Stories trailer (2011) 

Runtime: 1 hours, 24 minutes 
Beatles Stories
Joey Molland 
Beatles Stories Joey
In All Those Ways   あのすべてを通して 
---- デイ・アフター・デイのレコーディングについて何か?
あれはアビー・ロードの小さなスタジオでやってね 確か3スタだ 
そこへジョージが来て スライドを弾きたいと 
ジョージはギターを取り出した そしてピートとスライドを考えて収録したよ
8時間近くもかけてね 完ぺきなものに仕上げた
何しろジョージはスタジオじゃ細かいんだ 指示も具体的で… 
ありがたいよね おかげで多くの曲を救ってくれた 
捨てようとしてた曲もさ いや、傑作だよ と言って 
自分のギターで弾き 一緒にアレンジしてくれたんだ 
すると分かるんだ うちらの歌詞も無意味でないとね 
彼の歌詞はもっと無意味でも 意味があるんだともさ 


Strange Fruit: The Beatles' Apple Records (2012)

Strange Fruit: The Beatles' Apple Records trailer (2012) 

Runtime: 2 hours, 42 minutes 
Strange Fruit DVD
The Iveys, Badfinger 
Strange Fruit Ron
Strange Fruit Iveys
Strange Fruit Badfinger
Strange Fruit Joey
Strange Fruit DVD back
 Strange Fruit: The Beatles' Apple Records (2012) 2:42:42 

 Strange Fruit: The Beatles' Apple Records (2012) 1:51:10 

I'm reminded of a show where my band opened for Badfinger

Any time I hear Badfinger, I'm reminded of a show where my band opened for them in Albuquerque (early 1980's) 
tg3k 2008
これは1982年5月のことだと思うけど、この人(Vaughn McMillan)のバンドが Joey の Badfinger の前座をした時の話。この1週前の公演(1982年5月7日)後に Badfinger のメンバー全員とマネージャーの計6人がマリファナの不法所持で逮捕(12日まで)。ツアーバスとすべての機材も没収。そのため、Albuquerque 公演では前座のバンドの楽器や機材を借りての演奏となった。

彼のバンドは地元 Albuquerque では人気があったので、当日の来場者も このバンド目当てが多かった とのことなので検索してみたら、Off The Wall というバンドっぽい (当時は4人編成で、秋から5人)。  
Off The Wall - Time Tripper (recorded in May 1982) 
Jeff Donohoe (b,v), Vaughn McMillan (g,v), Mike Byrd (d) and Steve Brittenham (k,v) 

Off The Wall  (September 1982) 
Mike Byrd (d), Jeff Donohoe (b), Steve Brittenham (k), J. Hanz Ives (g), Vaughn McMillan (g) 
Off The Wall

 Badfinger Members Plead Guilty (May 1982) 


Ken Harck

Ken Harck 

This is Kenn Peterson, friend of Kenny. He went to the emergency room on sunday after an unexpected event.His condition is very serious, but still in flux. He will be aware of your good wishes. You may not have been able to get through on his home line, but it's now repaired and I'll try to answer or get back to you as soon as I can. I don't know what's going to happen, but I know he's tough. He's the John McCain of rock drummers.

 Bun Carlos


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Ken's in ICU and not doing well I'm told. He could use your prayers or best wishes and good thoughts, whatever works for ya'.......

I've known Ken since the 1970's.

He drummed for Off Broadway and Badfinger among others.

Ken is best known for his Circus and Old West poster collections.

Ken's also a drum collector and owns some of the rarest sets around.

Most important of all, Ken's a good guy. I'm hoping for the best. 

The Iveys ( Badfinger ) Live June 7, 1966 - buy CD

PURCHASE The Iveys Anthology: Volume 1
Live in Neath, S. Wales, June 7, 1966 (link below)
or email inquiry to

The legendary show that The Iveys/Badfinger future manager, Bill Collins taped in their hometown to study and decide if the band was ready for a professional career based in London, England.

Mightily impressed, Collins convinced the young men's parents to let them give up apprenticeships to pursue their dreams.

Pete Ham, Ron Griffiths, David Jenkins and Mike Gibbins comprise of this excellent band, of which you will hear some samples here. Just teenagers at the time, except for David, who was 20, the band is super-tight and on fire. 

They were destined to become the legendary Badfinger ! 

If this project sells all of it's limited edition, more CDs of other music should be in line for fans to study the origins of Badfinger. That would be the musical legacy of The Iveys, from 1966-69.

Thanks to Ron Griffths of The Iveys for setting this project in motion. 
The Iveys 1965 n

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