Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


Pete Ham ( of Badfinger ) Memorial - Flowers - 4-27-18

Pete Ham ( of Badfinger ) Memorial - Flowers - 4-27-18 
Today, April 27, 2018, marks the birthdate of Pete Ham of Badfinger. I stopped by his Memorial stone at the Morrison Crematorium to put some flowers in his memory and on behalf of his daughter, Petera and her mother, Anne.



[ロシア語] Paul Baldhill - Самогончик (2018)

Paul Baldhill - Самогончик (Baby Blue Russian) 



[CLA Radio] Pete Ham/Badfinger (hour 1) (April 27, 2018)

Pete Ham/Badfinger (hour 1), and Con Artists (hour 2) (April 27, 2018) 

CLA Radio April 27, 2018


マックティーズ - 嵐の悪女 (2011)

マックティーズ - 嵐の悪女 (No Matter What) LIVE@ Apple Jam Hiroshima (Oct 28, 2011) 

Badfinger バッドフィンガー - 嵐の恋 No Matter What (1970) 

中島みゆき - 悪女 (1981) 



Badfinger / A Riveting and Emotionally Gripping Saga (1997)

Badfinger: A Riveting and Emotionally Gripping Saga 

1997 documentary from UK on the band Badfinger. HD remaster from laserdisc. 

Badfinger / A Riveting and Emotionally Gripping Saga (July 15, 1997) 
Badfinger A Riveting and Emotionally Gripping Saga back


[Podcast] Batty for Music (Nov 26, 2013)

Batty for Music (Nov 26, 2013) 
It's a story worthy of an opera, the highs and lows of Badfinger.
"Come And Get It"
"Crimson Ship"
"Rock Of All Ages"
"I'm In Love"
"I Can't Take It"
"We're For The Dark"
"Day After Day"
"Apple Of My Eye"
"I Miss You"
"Song For A Lost Friend"
"Why Don't We Talk?"
"Matted Spam"
"Andy Norris"
"Just A Chance"

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