Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


[Magazine/No Dice] Rolling Stone #72 (December 2, 1970)

Rolling Stone #72 (December 2, 1970) 
   by Mike Saunders 
Rolling Stone #72 December 2, 1970 no dice

cover: Leon Russell 
Rolling Stone #72 December 2, 1970 cover
 [Magazine/Airwaves] Rolling Stone #290 (May 3, 1979) 

 [Magazine/Wish You Were Here] Rolling Stone #177 (January 2, 1975) 

 [Magazine/Badfinger] Rolling Stone #158 (April 11, 1974) 

 [Magazine/Ass] Rolling Stone #153 (January 31, 1974) 

 [Magazine/Straight Up] Rolling Stone #100 (January 20, 1972) 


[Magazine/ad] Disc and Music Echo (November 28, 1970)

Disc and Music Echo (November 28, 1970) 
A good one
Their new album 
out now on Apple 
Disc and Music Echo (Nov 28, 1970) p10
cover: T. Rex 
Disc and Music Echo (Nov 28, 1970)


[eBay] The Dodgers / Breakaway - RARE Unreleased White Label Promo 1-Sided LP

The Dodgers / Breakaway - RARE Unreleased White Label Promo 1-Sided LP 
auction end time: Oct 27 at 12:11PM PDT 
Winning bid:GBP 160.00 [ 12 bids ] 
Dodgers - Breakaway - Unreleased White Label Promo 1-Sided LP

This is a very rare (possibly unique!) white label promo or test pressing LP by late 70s band The Dodgers, who had 2 ex-members (Tom Evans & Bob Jackson) of Badfinger in their ranks. 
It is a 1-sided record - side 2 is totally blank. Side 1 contains 7 tracks. Both labels are plain, but Side 1 has some handwriting on it, including 3 song titles - Strong On You, Come Out Fighting (a track on their Polydor 1978 album Love on the Rebound) and Knock Down The Door. 

The other 4 tracks are not named, but if I had to guess at titles I would say  Watch out don't let the daylight in, New friends for old, A little knowledge is a dangerous thing & Get up get out of bed. Some of these tracks don't have drums on them, so I would imagine that they are demos or even rehearsal recordings. 

I haven't been able to find out any info on this record online, but I suspect that they may be either 1978 recordings for their unreleased second album, or demos recorded for their publishing company, which was called Breakaway Songs Ltd - Breakaway is mentioned on the label. 
Matrix number on side 1 is DS1 -1. On side 2 it is LFPB 2. 


BeepLine - Baby Blue (2019)

BeepLine - Baby Blue (April 27, 2019) 
Live at McGilverys Pub, Speedway Indiana 

Mark Moran:  lead guitar 
Phil Kaiser:  rhythm guitar, vocals 
Jim Sanders:  bass, vocals 
Steve Brunner:  drums 
The Late Show (1985) 

Mark Moran:  guitar, vocals 
Phil Kaiser:  guitar, vocals 
Dion Wickliffe:  drums, vocals 
Scott Fletcher:  bass, vocals 
The Late Show (1980) 

Mark Moran:  lead guitar, vocals 
Don Main:  lead vocals, bass 
Rick Clayton:  lead vocals, guitar 
Chris Pyle:  drums 


The Purple Haze Archive presents Joey Molland

The Purple Haze Archive presents Joey Molland 


Badfinger 1991 Japan Tour goods

Badfinger 1991 Japan Tour 
Press Conference at HMV Shibuya, Tokyo (February 9, 1991) 
Badfinger 1991 Japan tour flyer
Joey Molland 
(l to r)  A.J. Nicholas (b), John Richardson (d), Mike Lichey (g) 
Joey's Badfinger (Feb 9, 1991)
Q: The album covers, is there any special stories about them you can tell? 
Joey: The Wish You Were Here cover, we're all dressed in sailor suits. The idea was, we were away in a forein country, in a night club and we were enjoying ourselves. We all got drunk, is what we did. Tommy's actually passing out, Pete actually did pass out right after the photo was taken. We went out afterwards, Mike and I, and Tommy, when he woke up. We went into bars and pretended to be sailors. People actually thought we were sailors, and were buying us drinks! They thought we were the good boys from the Armed Services. 
Joey's Badfinger (Feb 9, 1991) 42 a
Joey's Badfinger (Feb 9, 1991) 42 b
Joey's Badfinger (Feb 9, 1991) 41a
1991 Japan Tour Book 
Badfinger 1991 Japan tour book Joey Molland
Badfinger 1991 Japan tour book d
Badfinger 1991 Japan tour book e
Badfinger 1991 Japan tour book f
1991 Japan Tour T-shirt 
T-shirt Japan Tour 1991
Backstage Pass 
Badfinger 1991 Japan Access All Areas pass
Badfinger 1991 Crew Backstage pass
Badfinger 1991 Guest pass Feb 11
 [Magazine] rockin' on (Mar 1991) / Badfinger interview - Joey Molland (Jan 1991) 
 ギター・マガジン Guitar magazine #149 (May 1991) 

バッドフィンガー通信25号 1991-03-01

バッドフィンガー通信26号 1991-04-01

バッドフィンガー通信30号 1991-08-01


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