Wayne Newton - Without You [Peter Ham - Tom Evans] [Strings & Horns Arranged by Mike Melvoin]

1972/ LP Chelsea:CHE-1001 Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast Side:1-2.Without You

1972/ 8-trk Chelsea:P8CE-1001 Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast Program:3-2.Without You

上のと違い、Walkin' in the Sand を2回(program:1-2.と 3-1.) 収録することによって 演奏時間をほぼ4等分させたもの。
1972/ 8-trk Chelsea:P8CE-1001 Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast Program:4-1.Without You

1999/09/07 CD Varse Vintage: I Believe In Music: Wayne Newton Sings The Hits of The '70s 2.Without You
2011/07/05 CD Varse Vintage: I Believe In Music: Wayne Newton Sings The Hits of The '70s 2.Without You

Wayne Newton - Medley "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" "A Song For You" "Without You"

1972/ LP Chelsea:CHE-1001 Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast Side:1-2.Without You

1972/ 8-trk Chelsea:P8CE-1001 Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast Program:3-2.Without You

上のと違い、Walkin' in the Sand を2回(program:1-2.と 3-1.) 収録することによって 演奏時間をほぼ4等分させたもの。
1972/ 8-trk Chelsea:P8CE-1001 Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast Program:4-1.Without You

1999/09/07 CD Varse Vintage: I Believe In Music: Wayne Newton Sings The Hits of The '70s 2.Without You
2011/07/05 CD Varse Vintage: I Believe In Music: Wayne Newton Sings The Hits of The '70s 2.Without You

Wayne Newton - Medley "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" "A Song For You" "Without You"