Melissa Manchester - Without You [Thomas Evans - Peter William Hamm]
     [arr.: Barry Fasman] [prod.: Steve Buckingham]
Melissa Manchester - AL 9533 r
1980/   7"   Arista:AS 0579   Without You b/w Boys in the Back Room
Melissa Manchester - AS 0579

For the Working Girl
1980/   LP   Arista:AL 9533      Side:1-4. Without You
Melissa Manchester AL 9533 back
1980/   RtR   Arista:1R1 7193      Side:1-4. Without You
Melissa Manchester - 1R1 7193
1980/   LP   Arista:25RS-104      Side:1-4. Without You
Melissa Manchester - 25RS-104
1996/07/24   CD   Arista:BVCA-7378     4. Without You
Melissa Manchester - BVCA-7378
2006/06/05   CD   Wounded Bird:9533     4. Without You
2006/11/08   CD   Vivid Sound:VSCD-2142     4. Without You
2011/06/01   CD   Arista:SICP3155     4. Without You
Melissa Manchester - SICP3155
