The Wildlife - Without You
The Wildlife / A Tribute to the Hits of Mariah Carey
2009/09/14 mp3 Orange Leisure: 1. Without You 3:48 Mariah風

The Wildlife / Heartbroken
2009/10/12 mp3 Orange Leisure: 4. Without You 3:50 Mariah風

The Wildlife / Women of Pop
2012/05/28 mp3 Orange Leisure: 6. Without You 3:49 Mariah風

The Wildlife / The City & Sex
2013/09/30 mp3 Orange Leisure: 11. Without You 3:51 Mariah風

The Wildlife / Tribute to Mariah Carey
2014/01/17 mp3 Marylebone Records: 4. Without You 3:48 Mariah風

Revaluation / The Greatest Revaluation Chartsbreakers
(Hits of my year of birth-1990 から Hits of my year of birth-2010 までのシリーズ)
Revaluation / Hits of my year of birth-1994
2010/07/01 mp3 Rosenklang: 18. Without You 3:46 Mariah風

Wildberries / The Greatest Wildberries Chartsbreakers
(Hits of my year of birth-1970 から Hits of my year of birth-1989 までのシリーズ)
Wildberries / Hits of my year of birth-1972
2010/07/01 mp3 Rosenklang: 3. Without You 3:20 Nilsson風

Hits of my year of birth シリーズの前半20年分は Wildberries、後半20年分は Revaluation となっているけど、特に意味はないみたいで、どの曲もいろんなスタジオミュージシャン? Wildberries の Nilsson風 Without You は、きのうの The BB Band の Nilsson風 Without You と同じみたいだし、Revaluation の Mariah風 Without You は、上の The Wildlife の Mariah風 Without You と同じっぽい。
The Versionarys と Pitch Perfect も、Nilsson風 は The BB Band、Mariah風 は The Wildlife と同じみたい。
The Versionarys / 10 Tops: The Best of 1972
2011/05/31 mp3 R.B. Puddin: 8. Without You 3:20 Nilsson風

The Versionarys / 1990s Hits
2011/05/31 mp3 R.B. Puddin: 2-17. Without You 3:46 Mariah風

Pitch Perfect / Voice of an Idol - Best Vocal Training Songs
2013/02/01 mp3 Countdown Media: 3. Without You 3:46 Mariah風
Pitch Perfect / Voice of an Idol - Vocal Training Songs for Him
2014/02/21 mp3 Countdown Media: 11. Without You 3:20 Nilsson風
The Bridgettes / Without You - Tearjerker Break Up Songs
2013/02/01 mp3 Countdown Media: 9. Without You 3:46 Mariah風
The Wildlife / A Tribute to the Hits of Mariah Carey
2009/09/14 mp3 Orange Leisure: 1. Without You 3:48 Mariah風

The Wildlife / Heartbroken
2009/10/12 mp3 Orange Leisure: 4. Without You 3:50 Mariah風

The Wildlife / Women of Pop
2012/05/28 mp3 Orange Leisure: 6. Without You 3:49 Mariah風

The Wildlife / The City & Sex
2013/09/30 mp3 Orange Leisure: 11. Without You 3:51 Mariah風

The Wildlife / Tribute to Mariah Carey
2014/01/17 mp3 Marylebone Records: 4. Without You 3:48 Mariah風

Revaluation / The Greatest Revaluation Chartsbreakers
(Hits of my year of birth-1990 から Hits of my year of birth-2010 までのシリーズ)
Revaluation / Hits of my year of birth-1994
2010/07/01 mp3 Rosenklang: 18. Without You 3:46 Mariah風

Wildberries / The Greatest Wildberries Chartsbreakers
(Hits of my year of birth-1970 から Hits of my year of birth-1989 までのシリーズ)
Wildberries / Hits of my year of birth-1972
2010/07/01 mp3 Rosenklang: 3. Without You 3:20 Nilsson風

Hits of my year of birth シリーズの前半20年分は Wildberries、後半20年分は Revaluation となっているけど、特に意味はないみたいで、どの曲もいろんなスタジオミュージシャン? Wildberries の Nilsson風 Without You は、きのうの The BB Band の Nilsson風 Without You と同じみたいだし、Revaluation の Mariah風 Without You は、上の The Wildlife の Mariah風 Without You と同じっぽい。
The Versionarys と Pitch Perfect も、Nilsson風 は The BB Band、Mariah風 は The Wildlife と同じみたい。
The Versionarys / 10 Tops: The Best of 1972
2011/05/31 mp3 R.B. Puddin: 8. Without You 3:20 Nilsson風

The Versionarys / 1990s Hits
2011/05/31 mp3 R.B. Puddin: 2-17. Without You 3:46 Mariah風

Pitch Perfect / Voice of an Idol - Best Vocal Training Songs
2013/02/01 mp3 Countdown Media: 3. Without You 3:46 Mariah風
Pitch Perfect / Voice of an Idol - Vocal Training Songs for Him
2014/02/21 mp3 Countdown Media: 11. Without You 3:20 Nilsson風
The Bridgettes / Without You - Tearjerker Break Up Songs
2013/02/01 mp3 Countdown Media: 9. Without You 3:46 Mariah風