Black Calendar 
the Day Tom Evans committed suicide 
   まだ新しくできたばかりのサイトみたいで、空白の日も多いけど、11月19日は Tom しか書かれていない。4月24日は4人の記載があるけど、今のところ Pete は載っていない。 
Badfinger - Moonshine (Dan Matovina re-mix 2016) 

逃げていく Badfinger 
     僕が1975年3月に Badfinger を全部買おうと決めたら、その直後に Pete 死亡。 
     僕たちが作った バッドフィンガー同好会 が結成3周年で初めての会員募集をしたら、ほぼ同時に Tom 死亡。 
rockin'on 1984年2月号 サークル・ミニコミ案内   page:49 
バッドフィンガーを好きな君! 我々の同好会に入りませんか。現在はメンバーは2人ですが少なくとも10人位にはしたいと思っています。今なら彼らのライヴ・テープをプレゼントします。 
rockin'on 1984年2月号 Hot News   page:55 
     Mike の死亡時にも僕が何か関与していないかと考えたけど、死の3年前に Mike のサイトからCDを3枚買って おまけにTシャツをもらったこと以外、なにもなかった。 
Interview with IAN WALLACE (April 2003) 
   [イアン・ウォーレス Sep 29, 1946 - Feb 22, 2007)  1979年の Airwaves のツアー終了後、次作用のデモ3曲 (Three Time Loser, Because I Love You, Rock'n'Roll Contract) を録音した際のドラマー]
– Many seem not to know you were in BADFINGER, together with YES and BADGER Tony Kaye. Was it him who brought you in? 
No. I can't remember exactly who hired me, probably the producer, but I can't remember who that was. Basically I was hired as a session musician to play drums on their album. What I do remember is that I enjoyed working with them. I knew Tommy Evans and I was sad to hear of his death. He was a nice guy. 
Badfinger / Finest Moments  
A Memorial to Pete Ham, Tom Evans and Mal Evans
Badfinger Finest Moments
BADFINGER Finest Moments (One of the rarest official items available on Apple, this is the withdrawn 1989 Australian only 16-track 'Best Of' LP that ended up with just ten copies pressed for review purposes. According to The Apple Log book, the album was assembled by someone from EMI who wanted a 'Best of' Badfinger LP. Because of ongoing legal problems that Apple were having at the time, the project was scrapped even before any sleeves were printed, just a 12" insert printed on greenpaper, declaring the album to be 'A Memorial To Pete Ham, Tom Evans And Mal Evans'. All tracks are from master tapes except 'Without You' which was clearly taken from vinyl. The insert sheet is near 'as new' & the vinyl near mint - this copy originally came directly from a senior executive at EMI Australia SAPCOR 28). 
Badfinger Finest Moments r1

£ 1,995.00
US$ 2,553.60
JPY 259,749
