Sandra Good - Come and Get It
The creepy zombie lack of affect displayed by Manson minions Brenda, Squeaky, and Sandra. They giggle and sing "Come and Get It" by Badfinger when asked if they're worried about cops. All say without hesitation that they would have participated in the murders if asked.
MANSON documentary trailer [1973 - Robert Hendrickson]
The creepy zombie lack of affect displayed by Manson minions Brenda, Squeaky, and Sandra. They giggle and sing "Come and Get It" by Badfinger when asked if they're worried about cops. All say without hesitation that they would have participated in the murders if asked.
MANSON documentary trailer [1973 - Robert Hendrickson]
Manson is a 1973 documentary directed by Laurence Merrick and Robert Hendrickson.
Manson (1973 Documentary)
ドキュメント映画『シャロンテート殺人事件』(1972年)より。ナンシー、スクィーキー、サンディの三人のファッションセンスがこの猛暑を涼しげにしてくれます。因みにサンディが歌ってるのはバッドフィンガーのCOME AND GET IT(マジッククリスチャンのテーマ)。これ重要。
— 屍エージロウ屍 (@SANGUELIA_3) August 9, 2019