Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


Nilsson - Without You (Beatlefest 1992)

1992/03/13-15   Nilsson - Without You 
Harry joined 'Liverpool', The Band at Beatlefest 92 

2014/10/11   Liverpool - Without You (The Fest For Beatles Fans Los Angeles 2014) 
at the LAX Marriott 



HATED His Song SO MUCH - He Tried To SABOTAGE IT... But ANGUISHED Vocal Made it #1

2023/02/14   Professor of Rock / HATED His Song SO MUCH - He Tried To SABOTAGE IT... But ANGUISHED Vocal Made it #1 



The Nation's Favourite 70s Number One (March 5, 2015)

from ITV "The Nation's Favourite 70s Number One" broadcast on March 5, 2015. 
Featuring interviews with Klaus Voorman and Gary Wright. 
#8 Nilsson - Without You 

Without You


Without You

2023/01/26   Nights with Alice Cooper: ‘Without You’ - Badfinger 

2022/02/18   50 years ago!!! Harry Nilsson's "Without You" tops the charts 



The Story of Harry Nilsson's Only Live Performance of "Without You"

The Story of Harry Nilsson's Only Live Performance of "Without You" 
  by Gregory Leporati (June 15, 2021) 


 Harry Nilsson and Ringo Starr - Without You (September 4, 1992) 

 Harry Nilsson - Can't Live Studio (December 24, 1993) 


[Book] Alyn Shipton / Nilsson: The Life of a Singer-Songwriter (2013)

Alyn Shipton / Nilsson: The Life of a Singer-Songwriter [Oxford University Press] 
Alyn Shipton - Nilsson The Life of a Singer-Songwriter (2013)
hardcover   July 18, 2013 
paperback   September 1, 2015 

アリン・シップトン 著 / ハリー・ニルソンの肖像 [国書刊行会] 
奥田祐士 訳,   本秀康 カバー装画   December 25, 2017 
Alyn Shipton - Nilsson The Life of a Singer-Songwriter (2017)
Nilsson - Pandemonium Shadow Show (1967)
 本秀康 / レコスケくん Magic Christian Music 

 本秀康 / ワーナー期のバッドフィンガーを仲良さげに描きました 

 本秀康 - バッドフィンガー熱、いまだ冷めやらず 

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