Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


[Newspaper/Airwaves] Reno Gazette-Journal (April 1, 1979)

Reno Gazette-Journal   [Reno, Nevada] 
April 1, 1979 
Reno Gazette-Journal (Apr 1, 1979)
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Clarkson Integrator (March 13, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Daily Pennsylvanian (March 22, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Boston Globe (March 29, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Stanford Daily (April 19, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Straits Times (April 22, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Heights (April 23, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Tharunka (June 11, 1979) 

[Newspaper/Airwaves] The Boston Globe (March 29, 1979)

The Boston Globe   [Boston, Massachusetts] 
March 29, 1979 
The Boston Globe (Mar 29, 1979)
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Clarkson Integrator (March 13, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Daily Pennsylvanian (March 22, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Reno Gazette-Journal (April 1, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Stanford Daily (April 19, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Straits Times (April 22, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Heights (April 23, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Tharunka (June 11, 1979) 

Badfinger / Airwaves - wea product facts (Germany)

Airwaves - wea product facts (Germany) 
Badfinger - Airwaves wea product facts (Germany)


[Newspaper/Airwaves] The Heights (April 23, 1979)

The Heights  [Boston College's independent student weekly] 
The Heights (April 23, 1979) 
The Heights (April 23, 1979) Airwaves
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Clarkson Integrator (March 13, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Daily Pennsylvanian (March 22, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Boston Globe (March 29, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Reno Gazette-Journal (April 1, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Stanford Daily (April 19, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Straits Times (April 22, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Tharunka (June 11, 1979) 

[Newspaper/Airwaves] The Straits Times (April 22, 1979)

The Straits Times  [a Singaporean newspaper] 
The Straits Times (April 22, 1979) 
Excellent comeback by Badfinger. . .
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Clarkson Integrator (March 13, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Daily Pennsylvanian (March 22, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Boston Globe (March 29, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Reno Gazette-Journal (April 1, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Stanford Daily (April 19, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Heights (April 23, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Tharunka (June 11, 1979) 

[Newspaper/Airwaves] The Stanford Daily (April 19, 1979)

The Stanford Daily   [the student-run, independent daily newspaper serving Stanford University] 
The Stanford Daily (April 19, 1979) 
The Stanford Daily April 19, 1979 airwaves a
The Stanford Daily April 19, 1979 airwaves b
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Clarkson Integrator (March 13, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Daily Pennsylvanian (March 22, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Boston Globe (March 29, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Reno Gazette-Journal (April 1, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Straits Times (April 22, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] The Heights (April 23, 1979) 
 [Newspaper/Airwaves] Tharunka (June 11, 1979) 

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