Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


free fonts similar to the Badfinger ‘No Dice’ font



Douglas Chay - Pete Ham Sandwich (1987)

Douglas Chay - Pete Ham Sandwich [Douglas Chay] 
Composed and performed (all instruments and vocals) by Douglas Chay 

cassette   Douglas Chay / A Whole Nother!  (Limited Edition 50 copies)  15 songs 
1987/12/08     4. Pete Ham Sandwich 
Douglas Chay - A Whole Nother 15
streaming   Douglas Chay / A Whole Nother!  19 songs (15-1 songs +5) 
2024/05     4. Pete Ham Sandwich 
Douglas Chay - A Whole Nother 19
streaming   Douglas Chay / A Whole Nother!  16 songs (15-4 songs +5) 
2024/05     4. Pete Ham Sandwich 
Douglas Chay - A Whole Nother 16


Hamu Beats / Los Angeles (2024)

2024/01/21   6133229 Records DK:     Hamu Beats / Los Angeles 
Hamu Beats - Los Angeles

6. Come And Get It 

7. No Matter What 

8. Day After Day 

9. Baby Blue 



John Toso - Badfinger (2023)

2023/10/23   John Toso - Badfinger [John Toso] 

John Toso / The System Is Out Of Control 
John Toso - The System Is Out Of Control
2023/05/23     9. Badfinger 
John Toso / The Earl of Aviation 
John Toso - The Earl of Aviation
2023/10/23     28. Badfinger 


Nicky Wire - Ballad for the Baby Blue (2023)

2023/07/03   Nicky Wire / Intimism 
Nicky Wire - Intimism
2. Ballad for the Baby Blue 

all words and music Nicky Wire 
produced by Loz Williams and Nicky Wire 
all guitars,bass and vocals Nicky Wire 
keyboards Loz Williams 
drums Rich Beak 
extra guitars and vocals James Dean Bradfield 
mixed by Dave Eringa 
Nicky Wire - Ballad for the Baby Blue


Graham Parker - A Brand New Book (1991)

Graham Parker / Struck by Lightning 
1991/   CD   Demon Records:FIEND CD 201     8. A Brand New Book [Graham Parker] 

A Brand New Book Lyrics 

Graham Parker - A Brand New Book GP 2 r
 Graham Parker - Come and Get It (2003) 

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