Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます

It Doesn't Really Matter

Pete Ham - It Doesn't Really Matter (Remix 2023)

Pete Ham - It Doesn't Really Matter (Remix 2023) 

The original mono demo track is Ham on vocals & rhythm electric guitar. This has some post-Pete Ham's death overdubbing done tastefully of the era, to further showcase the song's potential, by these musicians - which tastefully augment the song... 
Derrick Anderson - bass 
Richard Cammon - drums 
Michael Romanowski - organ, rhythm acoustic guitar 
produced by Dan Matovina 
Pete Ham - It Doesn't Really Matter (Remix 2023)


woaimuni - Makes Me Feel Good (2020) / It Doesn't Really Matter (2019)

woaimuni - Makes Me Feel Good 

woaimuni - I'll Kiss You Goodnight 

woaimuni - Midnight Caller 

woaimuni - A Lonly Day 

woaimuni - Dear Father 

woaimuni - Little Sue 

woaimuni - Tulip 

woaimuni - No More 

woaimuni - It Doesn't Really Matter 



[日本語] 吉田縹渺 Hyoubyou Yoshida - It Doesn't Really Matter いつ、なに、また。 (2020)

吉田縹渺 Hyoubyou Yoshida - It Doesn't Really Matter いつ、なに、また。 [Pete Ham / Japanese Lyrics: Hyoubyou Yoshida] 

吉田縹渺 Hyoubyou Yoshida / 吉田縹渺 遺作集【第1集】 
2020/08/21   ontaku records:     7. いつ、なに、また。 It Doesn't Really Matter 
吉田縹渺 Hyoubyou Yoshida 1



Khizar Jamil - It Doesn't Really Matter

Khizar Jamil - It Doesn't Really Matter [Pete Ham] 


This is a remixed version of a great song I covered back in 2008 as part of a Pete Ham covers album I was working on at the time. Unfortunately, the project was rushed and most of the songs weren't up to scratch (although some of the stuff is still out there).

Fortunately, I preserved the session multitracks and although the original end result for this track was acceptable, I felt it could be improved on a lot - particularly in terms of mixing. As this is also my favourite Pete Ham song, I wanted to be sure that it sounded better than before, so I remixed it from scratch in Logic Pro 9 and re-recorded the keyboards and added some percussion. I'm pleased with the end result, nearly 10 years on!


Will Jones - Drums
Khizar Jamil - Everything else inc. production and mixing
 Khizar Jamil / A Tribute To Pete Ham (2008) 
 Khizar Jamil - A Tribute To Pete Ham (2008)

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