Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


International Beatleweek 2022 (Liverpool, August 24-30, 2022)

International Beatleweek 2022 a
Liverpool (August 26, 2022) 
International Beatleweek 2022 b

Joey Molland - All Things Must Pass 

Joey Molland - If I Needed Someone 

Joey Molland International Beatleweek 2022


How George Harrison made the album that banished The Beatles

The story of All Things Must Pass, told by those who were there 
   by Ken Sharp (May 5, 2022) 

Bobby Whitlock (keyboards): George wouldn't give you direction. He would just say: “Here's the chords” and let you do your thing. Are you really going to tell people of the calibre of Ringo Starr, Eric [Clapton], Jim Gordon and myself what to play? No. We hear it. I know my part as soon as I hear something. He didn't tell anybody what to play. But what he did do was come out with his acoustic guitar and he'd run through the song for the electric band and answer any questions. Then he would go down to where Badfinger were playing acoustic guitars and do the same thing. 
Joey Molland (Badfinger, guitar): It was incredible to see all those rock stars in the studio and they're all there ready to play. These were giants. Here was Eric Clapton working on his lead guitar bits, Klaus [Voormann] was really friendly. Billy Preston was super-friendly. It was very exciting but it was also very nervy. But we relaxed after George started talking and playing with us. 
We had to learn the songs right away. He would only show it to us once or twice and then we'd run through it with the whole band. George gave us specific instructions and said: “Don't play any fiddly bits,” keep it straight. He knew exactly what he wanted. We'd record two or three songs a day. On Beware Of Darkness and My Sweet Lord we played all the rhythm guitars. Phil [Spector] really wasn't in charge, George was in charge. It was joyous time for all of us. 
Molland: We were working on either Isn't It A Pity or Wah-Wah, and went into the control room to have a listen to the track, and Spector was drunk and literally laying on the floor under the console. I'm not exaggerating, and I'm not saying this because it was a bad thing. Everybody thought it was perfectly normal [laughs]. 


[Magazine] Goldmine #934 (October 2021)

All Things Must Pass First Hand  by Ken Sharp 
Goldmine #934 (October 2021) 
Goldmine #934 October 2021 ab
Goldmine #934 October 2021 cover


Matt Hurwitz / The Making of All Things Must Pass (August 5, 2021)

The Making of All Things Must Pass 
   Matt Hurwitz  (August 5, 2021) 

Sketch by tape operator John Leckie
Tom, Pete, J Gordon, B Whitlock, G Wright, D Mason, Clapton ATMP


[Bootleg] George Harrison / All Things Must Pass Collectors Edition [2CD+2DVD]

George Harrison / All Things Must Pass Collectors Edition [2CD+2DVD
All Things Must Pass collector's edition
All Things Must Pass collector's edition back
All Things Must Pass collector's edition c


[Songwriter 101] Tales from the Top: George Harrison's All Things Must Pass (December 21, 2007)

Tales from the Top: George Harrison's All Things Must Pass 
Posted in Songwriter 101 on December 21, 2007  by Dave Simons 

“The band was set up in the room with no baffling,” recalls Molland, who played a Gibson J-50 acoustic for the occasion. “Clapton sat in the middle, with a Fender Champ and a Leslie speaker nearby. George would come in, and just go around to each of the players one by one and show everybody how the song went. You know, ‘This one’s called “Isn’t It a Pity”,’ and he’d run through the changes on his acoustic. We had to learn everything very quickly, just sort of absorb the general texture of each song. But that’s what he hired us for, really: to lay down this very uniform acoustic backing. Which meant we really had to concentrate on getting our strumming in sync.” 
George Harrison - All Things Must Pass

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