Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


[Ass] Painting of the album cover

2019/02/14   Suzanne Cheavens - Badfinger, Dave, Steve and Blaze Makoid 

Ass Painting of the album cover by Blaze Makoid 1977


[eBay] Badfinger / Ass SW-3411 acetate

[eBay] Badfinger / Ass SW-3411 acetate 
Starting price: $0.99 
Nov 12, 2021 at 2:45:01pm PST 
Duration: 10 days 
Ended: Nov 22, 2021 at 2:45:01pm PST 
Winning bid: US $227.50 [ 15 bids ] 
Ass SW-3411 acetate r1
Ass SW-3411 acetate r2
Ass SW-3411 acetate


Badfinger / Ass (Philippines SAPCOR 27)

Badfinger / Ass (Philippines SAPCOR 27) 

US $120.00 
Badfinger - Ass Philippines a
Badfinger - Ass Philippines b
Badfinger - Ass Philippines r1
Badfinger - Ass Philippines r2


[Magazine/Ass] Rolling Stone #153 (January 31, 1974)

Rolling Stone #153 (January 31, 1974) 
   by Bud Scoppa 
The album title is the band's reference to themselves as unwitting followers of some enticing but unrealizable dream. That dream may have been Badfinger's expectations of their place in the Beatles' initial plans for Apple as the nurturer of worthy talent, or it may have been the group's fantasy that, by being in close proximity to the Beatles, they could somehow become them. In discarding that dream, they've discovered their own identity as a group, and that discovery gives this album its surprising forcefulness. 
 [Total word count of piece: 322] 

cover: Paul & Linda McCartney 
Rolling Stone #153 (January 31, 1974) cover
 [Magazine/Airwaves] Rolling Stone #290 (May 3, 1979) 

 [Magazine/Wish You Were Here] Rolling Stone #177 (January 2, 1975) 

 [Magazine/Badfinger] Rolling Stone #158 (April 11, 1974) 

 [Magazine/Straight Up] Rolling Stone #100 (January 20, 1972) 

 [Magazine/No Dice] Rolling Stone #72 (December 2, 1970) 


[Magazine] Shindig! #108 (October 1, 2020)

Shindig #108 (October 2020)  On Sale Thursday 1st October 2020 

I Work for the Band  Todd Rundgren 
Shindig #108 October 2020p74
When I came back again to start the second record, I picked up where we left off, but by the second session they'd fired me! That record was not as successful. 
cover: Todd Rundgren 
Shindig #108 October 2020 cover


[Magazine/ad] New Musical Express (March 16, 1974)

New Musical Express (March 16, 1974) 
NME March 16, 1974 ad
NME March 16, 1974 ass
cover: Gene Simmons, Kiss 
NME March 16, 1974 cover

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