Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


Colorize the familiar monochrome photos of Badfinger 04

Neural Network-based Automatic Image Colorization 
Colorize the familiar monochrome photos of Badfinger.  
bw-c 07


Colorize the familiar monochrome photos of Badfinger 03

Neural Network-based Automatic Image Colorization 
Colorize the familiar monochrome photos of Badfinger.  
bw-c 06


Colorize the familiar monochrome photos of Badfinger 02

Neural Network-based Automatic Image Colorization 
Colorize the familiar monochrome photos of Badfinger.  
bw-c 05


Colorize the familiar monochrome photos of Badfinger 01

Neural Network-based Automatic Image Colorization 
Colorize the familiar monochrome photos of Badfinger.  
bw-c 04


Neural Network-based Automatic Image Colorization 00

Neural Network-based Automatic Image Colorization 
Colorize the familiar monochrome photos of Badfinger.  
bw-c 01
bw-c 02
bw-c 03

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