Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


Chris Thomas on Tom Evans singing 'Should I Smoke' Bridge

Chris Thomas  Interview by Dan Matovina 
Tom Evans singing 'Should I Smoke' Bridge 



[Interview] Chris Thomas (October 5, 2019)

Lotto Mons Expo, Belgium 
October 5, 2019 
Beatles day mons October 5, 2019
the interview of Chris Thomas by Gisele Clark (Sound Engineer) 



Chris Thomas on Pete Ham Guitar Solos - Wish You Were Here

Chris Thomas - listening "Meanwhile Back At The Ranch/Should I Smoke" multi-tracks (listening with Dan to a then dull transfer, before they were paid to be re-done by Dan Matovina later to mix "demonstration" bonus tracks for fans on new 2018 release)

Chris Thomas (R) with Dan Matovina


Badfinger: A Conversation with Chris Thomas (April 28, 2019)

Badfinger: A Conversation with Chris Thomas 
by Eoghan Lyng  (April 28, 2019

Pete was on guitar, playing something like six solos, all very comb, and paper “doo de doo doo doo.” It was like being back in the days with bands, there were solos, saxophone players, in that ‘comb and paper’ way. So, years later, when I was working with Paul, I suggested to him this idea. I wanted to deconstruct the idea. It was something like playing live and six guitars going for it. He said he had a similar idea and even had a name for it: ‘Rockestra’! 


Dan Matovina on CD and red vinyl reissues 2018-19

Dan Matovina on CD and red vinyl reissues 2018-19
   - Wish You Were Here and Badfinger - So Fine vinyl  (April 13, 2019

The bonus tracks on the double vinyl are pretty much what was on the CDs, but a refreshed sound being of some vinyl prep I did, and I did a few noticeable sonic tweaks of parts for Wish You Were Here bonus vinyl disc, on about four of the tracks I think, but nothing notable. The mastering engineer for the vinyl told me I had done a flawless preparation for the “vinyl” prep and he had to do almost no added technical work to it.  


It's Chris ThoMas Time! [Something About the Beatles, ep-154] (2018)

The long-awaited conversation with producer Chris Thomas, recorded at the White Album Symposium in Monmouth University. 
Something About the Beatles ep-154:
It's Chris ThoMas Time! (December 25, 2018) 
Something About The Beatles

00:01:50-  (Just a Chance
00:48:40-01:09:00  talking about Badfinger 
(Lonely You, In the Meantime/Some Other Time, Dennis) 
01:31:00- (Know One Knows

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