Badfinger / "DBA-BFR" (Doing Business As Badfinger) 
     1982 Live in Concert 
     The Bluebird, Bloomington, IN (October 19, 1982) 
2002/02   CDr   Exile Music:
     remastered by Kevin McElligott 
DBA-BFR 1982
DBA-BFR 1982 i
Badfinger 1982a
Badfinger 1982b
Tom Evans,  Bob Jackson,  Reed Kailing,  Mike Gibbins,  Donny Dacus 
Badfinger - Sooner or Later [Tom Evans] 

Badfinger - Rock and Roll Me Over [Reed Kailing] 

Reed Kailing / Raw, Rare, Well-Done 
2009/07/26   CD/mp3     1. Rock and Roll Me Over 4:34   15. Rock and Roll Me Over (live) 5:45 [DBA-BFR と同じもの] 

September 20, 1973 
   Because of a lost coin flip, Jim Croce got the last chartered plane at a Natchitoches, La., airport instead of the Grass Roots; the plane crashed into a pecan tree at the end of the runway, killing Croce and everyone else aboard.  
当時は Jim Croce よりも Grass Roots の方がビッグだったのでその日最後のチャーター便を譲ってもらおうとしたけど、応じてもらえず、結局コインの裏表で Jim Croce 側が勝った。この時の Grass Roots のメンバーのひとりが 1982年に Tom, Mike, Bob の Badfinger に加わった Reed Kailing 。 
 Reed Kailing: A Life In Music (April 2015) 

 [Newspaper] The Picket (1970) 

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