Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


The Fortunes - No Matter What / Without You (2008)

The Fortunes - No Matter What (2008) 

The Fortunes - Without You (2008) 

Bob Jackson: k,g,v 
Eddie Mooney: b.v 
Michael Smitham: g,v 
Paul Hooper: d 
Sound recorded by Roger Lomas 
 The Fortunes - Without You / No Matter What [Bob Jackson] 


Pete Ham Tribute Concert in The Grand Theatre Swansea (April 27, 2013)


Pete Ham Tribute Concert April 27, 2013
The first half of the show was given over to local talent. The proceedings kicked off with guitarist Sarah Passmore who was then followed by a host of Swansea musicians, including Steve Balsamo, Mal Pope and Karl Morgan who performed jaw dropping versions of 'Know one Knows' and 'Maybe Tomorrow'.
01. Sarah Passmore - My Heart Goes Out 
02. Sarah Passmore - We're For The Dark 
03. Sarah Passmore - Shine On 
04. Karl Morgan - Know One Knows 
05. Karl Morgan - Maybe Tomorrow 
06. Mal Pope - Baby Blue 
07. Mal Pope - Here Comes the Sun 
08. Steve Balsamo and Rosalie Deighton - Apple Of My Eye 
After the interval Bob Jackson settled at his keyboard and was joined on stage by guitarists Al Wodtke and Anthony Harty, drummer Matt Hart and bass player Eddie Mooney. 
09. Bob Jackson - Know One Knows 
10. Bob Jackson - Take It All 
11. Bob Jackson - Baby Blue 
The band were then, joined on stage by special guests, including Ron Griffiths and Dai Jenkins, who had both been original members of The Iveys. 

12. I Believe In You, Girl (Ron) 
13. Midnight Sun (Ron) 
14. Man Without a Heart (Dai) 
15. Dear Angie (Ron) 
16. Blodwyn (Ron) 
17. Come and Get It (Ron) 
18. Bob Jackson with Emily Jackson - Moonshine 
19. Bob Jackson with Emily Jackson - John Forgot to Sing 
20. Carry On Till Tomorrow 
21. Midnight Caller 
22. Dennis 
[band introductions by Eddie Mooney] 
23. Just A Chance 
24. I Won't Forget You 
25. Day After Day 
26. Without You 
27. No Matter What 
28. I Can't Take It 
29. Come and Get It (Ron) 
Ron Griffiths 
Ron Iveys 20130427
David "Dai" Jenkins 
Dai Iveys 20130427
The Iveys Live 2013
 The Iveys Live / Pete Ham Tribute Concert (April 27, 2013) 
 Pete Ham Tribute Concert at Swansea Station, Ivey Place (April 27, 2013) 


The Dakotas - Come and Get It / No Matter What (1995)

The Dakotas - Come and Get It [McCartney] / No Matter What [Ham] 

The Dakotas / ....And the Beat Goes On!!! 
1995/09   CD    Maxi-Moose Records:CDMM1     8. Come and Get It  19. No Matter What 
The Dakotas And the Beat Goes On
The Dakotas reformed in the late 1980s 
Mike Maxfield (g,v) 
Tony Mansfield (d) 
   and recruited
Eddie Mooney (v,b) 
Toni Baker (k,v) 
Eddie Mooney 
From 1989 to 2007, Mooney was a member of The Dakotas. The band released six albums. 
In early 2008 Mooney became a permanent member of The Fortunes

The Fortunes 50 years Live
Pete Ham Tribute Concert [Swansea Grand Theatre, April 27, 2013]
l to r   Anthony Harty (g), Eddie Mooney (b), Matt Hart (d), Al Wodtke (g), Bob Jackson (k) 
Pete Ham Tribute Concert - 27th April 2013
Ron Griffiths & Dai Jenkins + Harty, Mooney, Hart, Wodtke, Jackson 


The Fortunes / Past & Present (2015)

The Fortunes / Past & Present (2015) 
 [Dec 5] The Fortunes latest CD 'Past & Present' is now available to order by post. Please e-mail: for further details. 
8. Without You 
9. Day After Day 
19. I Won't Forget You 
21. No Matter What 
The Fortunes - Past & Present 2015
All tracks recorded live from "Past and Present" shows at theatres in the UK in 2015. 
The Fortunes - 'Past & Present’ tour 
The Fortunes Bob Jackson

 The Fortunes - Without You / No Matter What [Bob Jackson] 


The Fortunes - Without You / No Matter What [Bob Jackson]

The Fortunes - Without You / No Matter What
The Fortunes 50 Years Live! DVD promo

The Fortunes 50 years Live
The Fortunes Bob Jackson - Without You (July 12, 2014)

The Fortunes (June 21, 2013)
Glenn Taylor - Bringing On Back The Good Times / Bob Jackson - Without You

The Fortunes Bob Jackson - Without You (Aug 21, 2011)

The Fortunes Bob Jackson - Without You (Jan 27, 2008)

The Fortunes Bob Jackson - No Matter What (2002)

The Fortunes / This Is The Fortunes Live!!
   [Rod Allen (b), Michael Smitham (g), Paul Hooper (d), Bob Jackson (k)]
2001/05/05   CD   Fan Club Release     5. No Matter What [Leisure Centre, Brentwood]   8. Without You [Cologne, Germany]
The Fortunes / European Concert Tour 2005 [promo 映像]
   [Rod Allen (b), Michael Smitham (g), Paul Hooper (d), Bob Jackson (k)]
2005/   DVD   Fan Club Release     5. No Matter What   8. Without You
The Fortunes - European Concert Tour 2005 DVD
The Fortunes / Play On   [Produced by Roger Lomas]
   [Michael Smitham (g), Paul Hooper (d), Bob Jackson (k), Eddie Mooney (b)]
2008/   CD   Stormfree:SF0808     12. Without You
The Fortunes / 50 Years Live!
   [Michael Smitham (g), Bob Jackson (k), Eddie Mooney (b), Glenn Taylor (d)]
2013/   DVD     12. Without You   16. No Matter What
The Fortunes 50 years Live DVD b
The Fortunes 50 years Live DVD a
 The Fortunes / Past & Present (2015) 

 The Fortunes - No Matter What / Without You (2008) 

 The Fortunes - No Matter What / Without You (2005) 


Anthony Harty - Name of the Game (2011)

Anthony Harty - Name of the Game [Pete Ham]
2011/06/03   download single     Name of the Game
Anthony Harty / Baggage 
2012/10/22   CD   JBHStudio:     10. Name of the Game
Anthony Harty - Baggage (2012)
Anthony Harty & The Expensive Musicians - Name of the Game (Live 2011/07/03)

今年の Pete の誕生日にスウォンジーで開催された Pete Ham Tribute Concert [Swansea 2013. April 27, 2013] で、 Bob Jackson のバンドのギターを弾いていた人。
Bob Jackson - I Won't Forget You (Pete Ham Tribute Concert - 27th April 2013 Swansea Grand Theatre)  
左から Anthony Harty (g), Eddie Mooney (b), Matt Hart (d), Al Wodtke (g), Bob Jackson (k)
Pete Ham Tribute Concert - 27th April 2013

Anthony Harty
1983年 (当時16歳)、Paul Weller が結成した The Style Council が bass を探しているのを知って、手紙を書いてオーディションを受けて採用されてデビュー。  その後、いろいろなバンドを経て
In 1991 I completed the line-up of the reformed Badfinger for Bob Jackson, an original member. The gig lasted for around 2 years.
その後は The Specials と The Beat のメンバーが合体した Special Beat の guitar やったり、2Tone 系の人たちと関わっているみたい。
今回のように、 Bob がBadfinger の曲を主に歌わなきゃいけない時に 同じ Coventry 出身で頼みやすい立場の人なのかなぁ? 
Eddie Mooney
2008年、Rod Allen (v,b) に代わって、The Fortunes の lead vocal, bass に。
Matt Hart
ex-The Specials の Roddy “Radiation” Byers が作った The Skabilly Rebels の二代目 drummer 。
Matt Hart
Al Wodtke
Pete 以外の Badfinger, Iveys のメンバーのほとんどと共演した男。 現在 KYX 。
Al Wodtke
Anthony Harty が触れている Bob Jackson の Badfinger というのがよくわからなかったので検索してみたら、1件見つかった。 二人同時にいたのかわからないけど。
Ted Duggan (d)    [Bob Jackson's Badfinger 2015]
Ted Duggan has been playing with different groups including Two Tone Collective, Badfinger and The Mudsliders.
Ted Duggan
Ted has played drums for numerous bands and studio sessions, here's just a sample
  • Drops of Brandy
  • Paris
  • Chevy
  • Red On Red
  • Cupids Inspiration
  • Bob Jackson's Bad Finger (1993)
  • Banco De Gaia (3 Albums)
Red On Red といえば、Bob Jackson が一時いたところじゃん。 Chevy が再編し、1983年に Bob を加えて Red On Red に名称変更し、短期間だけ存在したBandらしい。 Vertigo から アルバムを出した Still Life の Martin Cure がvocalとのこと。
今年の Pete Ham Tribute Concert も、Bob Jackson's Badfinger でいいのかもしれないけど。
その他、Phil Vickers というCoventryの人(drums だけど、songwriterでmulti-instrumentalist。ソロアルバムも出している)が toured the UK with Badfinger と書かれていた。
Phil Vickers

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