Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


[Newspaper] The Rambler (Sep/Oct/Nov 1970)

The Rambler  [Texas Wesleyan College, Fort Worth, Texas] 
The Rambler (September 23, 1970) 
The Rambler September 23, 1970
The Rambler (October 21, 1970) 
The Rambler October 21, 1970
The Rambler October 21, 1970 b
The Rambler (October 28, 1970) 
The Rambler October 28, 1970
The Rambler (November 11, 1970) 
The Rambler November 11, 1970
The Rambler (November 18, 1970) 
The Rambler November 18, 1970
TXWECO, Yearbook of Texas Wesleyan College, 1971 
Components of the sound of Badfinger were
Pete Ham on vocals, guitar and piano 
Mike Gibbons on bass 
Tom Evans on lead guitar 
Chris Greenhill on drums [sic] 
The liveliest numbers of the concert were 
Friends of the Night 
Feeling Alright 
Come and Get It 
October 22, 1970 
Fine Arts Auditorium, Texas Wesleyan College, Fort Worth, Texas 
   with George Stevens (comedian, d. September 20, 1973)  the plane crashed into a pecan tree at the end of the runway, killing Jim Croce and everyone else aboard. 
 [Yearbook] Texas Wesleyan College (1971) 


[Yearbook] Texas Wesleyan College (1971)

TXWECO, Yearbook of Texas Wesleyan College, 1971 
First page of: TXWECO, Yearbook of Texas Wesleyan College, 1971, a yearbook available in the The Portal to Texas History
TXWECO, Yearbook of Texas Wesleyan College, 1971 hosted by The Portal to Texas History
Components of the sound of Badfinger were
Pete Ham on vocals, guitar and piano 
Mike Gibbons on bass 
Tom Evans on lead guitar 
Chris Greenhill on drums [sic] 
The liveliest numbers of the concert were 
Friends of the Night 
Feeling Alright 
Come and Get It 
October 22, 1970 
Fine Arts Auditorium, Texas Wesleyan College, Fort Worth, Texas 
   with George Stevens (comedian, d. September 20, 1973)  the plane crashed into a pecan tree at the end of the runway, killing Jim Croce and everyone else aboard. 
 [Newspaper] The Rambler (Sep/Oct/Nov 1970) 

 Badfinger / Fine Arts Auditorium, Texas Wesleyan College (Oct 22, 1970) 
Badfinger Fort Worh 1970
Badfinger Fort Worh 1970 back
 Badfinger Live in Fort Worth
Badfinger Live in Fort Worth back

[Newspaper/Yearbook] The Picket (Oct/Nov 1970) / Shepherd College (1971)

The Picket  [Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, West Virginia] 
October 30, 1970 
Picket Oct 30, 1970p1
October 16, 1970 
Picket Oct 16, 1970p1
Picket Oct 16, 1970p3
August 24, 1970 
Picket Aug 24, 1970p2
November 20, 1970 

Picket Nov 20, 1970p4
Cohongoroota 1971  [Shepherd College Yearbook] 
Shepherd College Yearbook 1971
October 31, 1970 
gym, Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Badfinger + Fury,  George Stevens (comedian, d. September 20, 1973) 
Shepherd College ( -2004) 
Shepherd University (2004- ) 
1970年秋 Badfinger と共演していた George Stevens は、3年後 Jim Croce と一緒に飛行機事故死。
   Because of a lost coin flip, Jim Croce got the last chartered plane at a Natchitoches, La., airport instead of the Grass Roots; the plane crashed into a pecan tree at the end of the runway, killing Croce and everyone else aboard.  
当時は Jim Croce よりも Grass Roots の方がビッグだったのでその日最後のチャーター便を譲ってもらおうとしたけど、応じてもらえず、結局コインの裏表で Jim Croce 側が勝った。この時の Grass Roots のメンバーのひとりが 1982年に Tom, Mike, Bob の Badfinger に加わった Reed Kailing 。 

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