Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


[Magazine] Jackie #383 (May 8, 1971)

Jackie #383 (May 8, 1971) 
Badfinger's Tom Evans 
 Jackie #383 (May 8, 1971) tom
Jackie #383 (May 8, 1971)
 [Magazine] Jackie (1969/70/71/72) 


[Magazine] Jackie #375 (March 13, 1971)

Jackie #375 (March 13, 1971) 
Some Good Points about Badfinger 
Jackie #375 (March 13, 1971) p21
Jackie #375 (March 13, 1971)
 [Magazine] Jackie (1969/70/71/72) 


[Magazine] Jackie #433 (April 22, 1972)

Jackie #433 (April 22, 1972)   half page interview 
It's Thumbs Up for Badfinger 
Left to Right Joey, Mike, Pete, Tom 
 WHEN Badfinger returned from America, their life changed dramatically. 
 For the last five years. Badfinger have shared a house in Golders Green with their manager Bill Collins. And that was where they were still living when Badfinger lett for an eight-week American tour at the beginning of February. 
 But when they returned Badfinger went their separate ways - they all got married! 
 "The time came for us all to get houses of our own," Joey Molland told me before they left. 
 "We're all getting little houses around London in the suburbs, I expect. They'll only be small houses, we're not the sort of group to go out buying £40,000 houses - that's not our scene at all." 
 And around the same time Joey marries Cathy Wiggins, a girl from Minneapolis he met on Badfinger's first American tour in 1970. 
 Pete Ham marries Dixie, also American, but from Tuscon Arizona. 
 Tommy marries his girlfriend Marianna, who's German and comes from Cologne - though he met her in London. 
 And Mike - well he's married already. 
 But first there was that American tour. They knew that would be their best even before their plane left England - because they began the tour the very week their single "Day After Day" reached No. 1 there. 
 And then immediately after that, the group was due to tour Australia and Japan before cutting another LP in the new studios at Apple. 
 They've shared concert with many famous names, including of course the almost legendary George Harrison Bangla Desh concert at Madison Square Garde dens. 
 They now work quite closely with George: he produced the first take for their hit single, and played throughout the sessions for their latest LP. 
 "George phoned us when he was planning the concert, and asked whether we'd like to fly over to New York to do it. 
 "We flew over in a small plane provided by Air India, and then spend a week rehearsing for the concert. There had been a rumour that Bob Dylan might come along; we knew George had invited him. 
 "Then on Saturday, the day before the concert, we were having our final rehearsal when Bob Dylan just walked out on the stage with his guitar. 
 "We finished our spot, and then sat down in the stalls - which were empty apart from a handtul of people - and listened to him sing all the songs he'd been famous for over the years for an hour and a half. 
 "It was something I never thought I'd ever see; Bob Dylan on stage - in old blue jeans like he used to be - singing all his old songs. 
 "Afterwards, Bob went back home, but the rest of us went off to a club for the evening, and it turned into quite a party, George was there with Pattie, and Ringo, Leon Russell, Billy Preston, Klaus Voorman - Keith Moon and John Entwistle from The Who tumed up - and so did Andy Williams. It was a great evening!" 
Jackie #433 (April 22, 1972) p5
Jackie #433 (April 22, 1972) cover
 [Magazine] Jackie (1969/70/71/72) 


[Magazine] Jackie #376 (March 20, 1971)

Jackie #376 (March 20, 1971) 
Badfinger Colour PinUp 
Jackie #376 (March 20, 1971) badfinger Colour PinUp
Jackie #376 (March 20, 1971) cover
 [Magazine] Jackie (1969/70/71/72) 


[Magazine] Jackie #265 (February 1, 1969)

Jackie #265 (February 1, 1969) 

The Plum of the New Apple Crop! 
Jackie #265 (February 1, 1969) Iveys b
Jackie #265 (February 1, 1969) Iveys a
Jackie #265 (February 1, 1969) cover
 [Magazine] Jackie (1969/70/71/72) 


[Magazine] Jackie #331 (May 9, 1970)

Jackie #331 (May 9, 1970) 
Loves and Hates of Tom Evans (Badfinger) 
Jackie #331 May 9, 1970 tom
Jackie #331 May 9 1970 back cover

Jackie #331 May 9, 1970 cover
 [Magazine] Jackie #265 (February 1, 1969) 

 [Magazine] Jackie (1970/71/72) 

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