Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


The Contents / Radioactive EP (1981) produced by Joey Molland

Recorded in January 1981 by The Contents. Produced by Joey Molland. The Contents were Michael Raz Rescigno, Jeff Hutch Hutchinson, Ricky Anderson,( all from Madison Park, NJ) Pete Wiggins & Dr. Billy Lemas aka William Tempany (Cartaret NJ). The Contents rocked all over Southern California from December 1980 through May 1982. This tune was originally from the Contents "Radioactive" ep then later released in 1999 as part of The Razfinger album.
The Contents
"Radioactive" ep
Kelly Girl, The Boy, I told You So, Night Person and Almost the Girl.
there was a failed attempt at Doc Evil Man at the Carnival.


The RAZ Band / #9 (March 29, 2019)

The RAZ Band / #9 
2019/03/29   CD   Gonzo:HST507CD 
Produced by Joey Molland 
RAZ Band #9
The RAZ Band 
Michael ‘Raz’ Rescigno  guitar & vocals,
Jeff ‘Hutch’ Hutchinson  drums & vocals,
Jim Manzo  bass & vocals,
Joey Molland  guitar vocals & production. 
The first single from the RAZ Band album "#9". Sung by Joey Molland. 

 The RAZ Band / #9 (February 9, 2019) 


The RAZ Band / #9 (February 9, 2019)

The RAZ Band / #9 (February 9, 2019) 
The new album “#9” by The RAZ Band has been completed. Produced, mixed and mastered by Joey Molland. Featuring eleven new songs, #9 will be Released by the Gonzo MultiMedia Group on February 9, 2019. 
The RAZ Band - #9
New album," #9 " by The RAZ Band with Badfinger's Joey Molland will be released February 9, 2019. Not only does Joey play guitar, he sings lead vocals on 2 songs. 
The RAZ Band
left to right: Jim Manzo, Michael Raz Rescigno, Joey Molland and Jeff Hutch Hutchinson 
The RAZ Band Joey
Recording a live album on December 8, 2018 
The RAZ Band with Joey Molland of Badfinger will be recording a live album on December 8, 2018. Performing songs from the upcoming new album "#9" as well as classic RAZ Band songs from "The Best of RAZ", "Madison Park" + more. 
 The RAZ Band / Madison Park (Nov 2015) 
The RAZ Band at Brighton Bar (Sep 17, 2016) 
 Live From Dennis' House with guests the RAZ Band (Oct 2016) 
 The RAZ Band / #9 (March 29, 2019) 

Live From Dennis' House with guests the RAZ Band (Oct 2016)

RAZ Band with Joey Molland of Badfinger (Oct 2016) 
Raz Band with Joey Molland

 The RAZ Band / Madison Park (Nov 2015) 
 The RAZ Band at Brighton Bar (Sep 17, 2016) 
 The RAZ Band / #9 (February 9, 2019) 

The RAZ Band at Brighton Bar (Sep 17, 2016)

The RAZ Band with Joey Molland of Badfinger at Brighton Bar, Long Branch, NJ (Sep 17, 2016
RAZ Band Sep 17, 2016
The RAZ Band, including Badfinger’s Joey Molland, to perform at Brighton Bar 
 The RAZ Band / Madison Park (Nov 2015) 
 Live From Dennis' House with guests the RAZ Band (Oct 2016) 
 The RAZ Band / #9 (February 9, 2019) 

The RAZ Band / Madison Park (Nov 2015)

The RAZ Band / Madison Park 
2015/11/20   CD   Gonzo:HST356CD     14. Love Me Do [Joey Molland]

The Raz Band - Madison Park back
The Raz Band - Madison Park

Michael Raz Rescigno (g,v) 
Jeff Hutch Hutchinson (d,v) 
Jim Manzo (b,v) 
Joey Molland (g,v) 
Joe Vitale (k,v) 
数年前には OTYP (Older Than Your Parents)名でも活動していた。 
Funding Unsuccessful 
The project's funding goal was not reached on Sun, June 2, 2013 3:59 AM UTC 
Older Than Your Parents 
Two guys from Jersey with a so cal dude looking to tour with two rock legends Joey Molland [Badfinger] Joe Vitale [Walsh, CSN] 
過去にも RAZ の3人と一緒に録音している Joey と Joe Vitale 
1999   Razfinger 
2001   It's All About Me (Old School) 
1980年代以降、10枚前後のCDやEPを出しているみたい。 かなり曲がかぶっていたり再録音していたりでよくわからないけど、少なくても今回の収録曲の内13曲は過去に出されたことがある曲。 
"Time Marches On" was writen about Tommy Evans and recorded in 1987.  Joey was in town playing at the Beatlefest, and when he was done there, we went into the studio.  The engineer was Gordon Copely, (he was the bass player in the Lita Ford Band at the time).  I was sitting on my bed, listening to a Tom Evans tape when I flashed back to the first time I hung out with Tommy and he had his arm around my shoulder, looked me in the eyes and said, "It's a shame about Peter, (Ham), I could never do anything like that".  Man, the sadness in his eyes was overwhelming!  I felt like Tommy's soul would never get over Peter's death.  It was then that the words for this song came tumbling out.  It was really cool having Joey sing on a song about his ex Badfinger mate Tommy!  The song was the single for the compilation album, "The Best of L.A.".  - Michael Raz Rescigno 
Tom Evans について歌っている Time Marches On は1987年のシングルB面曲で Joey も参加。 同年の Best of Los Angeles というコンピ盤にA面とともに収録。その後1999年のCD Razfinger にも収録され、2004年には When Dogs Fly South というアルバムで再録音。 

この When Dogs Fly South には、Badfinger の No Matter What と Love Me Do も収録されており、今回のアルバム収録曲中8曲がここにも収められています。 
2000年のCD Razfinger にHidden Trackとして収録された Love Me Do は1993年のLiveとのこと。 
A celebration of people involved in music

We plan on recording/filming our live show for a cd and dvd release. Honestly our set is killer. We'll be performing lots of RAZ songs, Joey Molland songs, Badfinger songs, Hits that Joe Vitale has co-written, plus some solo Joe Vitale songs and more. - Michael Raz Rescigno

Gonzo #139 Raz Band
Rock Legends "The Raz Band" Releases New Album Featuring Badfinger's Joey Molland and Drum Legend Joe Vitale! 

​In early 2016 ​Gonzo MultiMedia will be releasing "The Best of RAZ"​. Followed by the release of "Razfinger" in the spring. The RAZ Band with Joey Molland & Joe Vitale are planning to perform in Englan​d​​​ and elsewhere ​in 2016 and record a live CD and DVD. 
Gonzo #139 Raz + Joey
 The RAZ Band at Brighton Bar (Sep 17, 2016) 

 Live From Dennis' House with guests the RAZ Band (Oct 2016) 

 The RAZ Band / #9 (February 9, 2019) 

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