Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


The Magic Christian (1969)

The Magic Christian (2013 US Olive Films 92min) 

Come and Get It  [Magic Christian closing credits] 


 The Magic Christian video 

 The Magic Christian  LD/DVD/Blu-ray 

 Terry Southern / The Magic Christian 


[Newspaper/ad] The International Times #75 (March 13, 1970)

The International Times #75 (March 13-26, 1970) 
Here it is... Come and Get It! 
The International Times #75 March 13-26, 1970
 Magic Christian Music by The Iveys 

Magic Christian Music by The Iveys MikePete

The Magic Christian / Lobby Card (1970)

10x8 inches (USA) 
lobby card 1 a
lobby card 2 a
lobby card 3 a
lobby card 4 a
lobby card 5 a
lobby card 6 a
lobby card 7 a
lobby card 8 a
14x11 inches (USA) 
lobby card 1 b
lobby card 2 b
lobby card 3 b
lobby card 4 b
lobby card 5 b
lobby card 6 b
lobby card 7 b
lobby card 8 b
12x10 inches (Spain) 
lobby card Spanish a
lobby card Spanish b
lobby card Spanish c
lobby card Spanish dd


The Magic Christian / Promo Program Press Book (1969)

Promo Program Press Book from Commonwealth United sent out to movie theaters to promote and to help promote the movie, The Magic Christian," starring Peter Sellers & Ringo Starr. 
The Magic Christian 1969 Promo Program Pressbook cover
The Magic Christian 1969 Promo Program Pressbook p8
The Magic Christian 1969 Promo Program Pressbook p9
The Magic Christian 1969 Promo Program Pressbook p18
The Magic Christian 1969 Promo Program Pressbook p19
The Magic Christian 1969 Promo Program Pressbook p24
The Magic Christian 1969 Promo Program Pressbook p25
The Magic Christian 1969 Promo Program Pressbook back


The Magic Christian music by John Sebastian (1968-69)

Billboard (December 21, 1968) 
Billboard 1968-12-21 sebastian
Billboard (March 29, 1969) 
Billboard 1969-03-29 sebastian
New Musical Express #1185 (September 27, 1969) 
NME 1969-09-27 #1185 sebastian


[Magazine] New Musical Express (Oct/Dec 1968)

Melody Maker (October 19, 1968) 
Melody Maker 1968-10-19
Beatle Ringo Starr has signed for his second major film role. He is to appear with Peter Sellers in The Magic Christian, which goes into production in Britain early in the New Year. Ringo will play Sellers' son in the film which is scripted by Terry Southern. The new film, which has no musical content at all, will be made in Britain. 
New Musical Express #1136 (October 19, 1968) 
NME 1968-10-19 #1136
Beatle Ringo Starr has been signed for his second dramatic acting role in a film. He is to co-star with Peter Sellers in the comedy "The Magic Christian," which will be shot in Britain early next year. Production begins in January, and Ringo's contribution is expected to take at least eight weeks. He is cast as the son of a very rich and influential man, played by Sellers. 
New Musical Express #1143 (December 7, 1968) 
NME 1968-12-07 #1143
Ringo Starr is now scheduled to begin work on his second solo film in February and he will be involved for up to eight weeks. As exclusively revealed in the NME on October 19, the movie is "The Magic Christian," in which Ringo is cast as Peter Sellers' adopted son. 

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