Badfinger covers

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David Bedford - Badfinger and the Irony of Petty Cash


 Badfinger 1970s Signed Petty Cash Vouchers 

 [eBay] Three endorsed Badfinger Enterprises Inc. business checks & and a petty cash receipt for Peter Ham 


[eBay] Three endorsed Badfinger Enterprises Inc. business checks & and a petty cash receipt for Peter Ham

[eBay] Three endorsed Badfinger Enterprises Inc. business checks & and a petty cash receipt for Peter Ham 
Price:US $1,140.00 
eBay RR Cat-353 Item-727 Jan 2010 tmj
All four members of Badfinger certified signatures, Pete Ham, Tom Evans, Mike Gibbins and Joey Molland. Only Joey is still with us. Extremely rare autographs of Pete Ham and Tom Evans. Mike Gibbins passed away in 2005, Tom in 1983 and Pete in 1975. Badfinger has made some great music but a somewhat tragic story. Here is a rare set of all members signatures.
eBay RR Cat-353 Item-727 Jan 2010 p
Also included a picture of Badfinger signed by Joey Molland. Checks also signed by Stan Polley, the manager Pete blamed for their money woes. 
eBay RR Cat-353 Item-727 Jan 2010 j
288ドルで買って、Joeyのサインをおまけにつけて 4倍で売ろうとしているけど、高すぎないか?  
RR Auction  January 2010  Catalog 353, Item 727 
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Sold Price: $288.00
Three endorsed Badfinger Enterprises Inc. business checks, filled out and signed in another hand, endorsed on the reverse by Thomas Evans, Joseph Molland, and Michael Gibbins respectively; and a petty cash receipt for Peter Ham, dated February 6, 1973, signed at the bottom by Ham. In fine condition, with expected stamps and bisecting vertical creases to each check, one lightly affecting Gibbins signature. Pete Ham and Tom Evans both committed suicide, making autographs of the entire band very difficult to find. RRAuction COA. 


Badfinger 1970s Signed Petty Cash Vouchers

[Tracks] B27716 – Badfinger 1970s Signed Petty Cash Vouchers 
£695.00     (September 2018)   [日本の方が落札
A collection of original 1970s petty cash vouchers which have each been signed by a member of Badfinger. Joey Molland has signed in blue pen, dated 22nd January and relates to payment for a guitar. Tom Evans has signed in black pen, dated 26th January and is listed as ‘drawn’. Pete Ham has signed in blue pen, dated 29th June and is listed as ‘personal drawn’. Mike Gibbins has signed in blue pen, dated 29th January. The largest voucher measures 14cm x 8.75cm (4.25 inches x 2.5 inches). The condition is excellent. 
B27716 Petty Cash Vouchers Pete
B27716 Petty Cash Vouchers Tom
B27716 Petty Cash Vouchers Joey
B27716 Petty Cash Vouchers Mike

[Tracks/eBay] Badfinger Complete Set of Signatures on Petty Cash Receipts 
GBP 695.00     (September 2018) 
A set of five petty cash vouchers/receipts bearing the signatures of all four members of Badfinger and their manager Bill Collins. Pete Ham, Thomas Evans, Joey Molland and Mike Gibbins have each autographed a separate voucher in blue pen. The voucher for Joey is dated 20th February 1973. Each voucher measures 7.5cm x 12.5cm (3 inches x 5 inches). The condition of each is excellent. The group’s manager Bill Collins has also signed a voucher. He has autographed in blue pen. The voucher measures 14cm x 9cm (5.5 inches x 3.5 inches). The condition is excellent.
Petty Cash Bill Collins
Petty Cash Pete Ham
Petty Cash Tom Evans
Petty Cash Joey Molland
Petty Cash Mike Gibbins
[applebeatle/eBay] Badfinger Beatles Autographs Signed Four Petty Cash Vouchers 
$599.99     (February 2017) 
Autographs Signed Four Petty Cash Vouchers Pete
Autographs Signed Four Petty Cash Vouchers Tom
Autographs Signed Four Petty Cash Vouchers Joey
Autographs Signed Four Petty Cash Vouchers Mike
 David Bedford - Badfinger and the Irony of Petty Cash 

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