Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


[Newspaper/ad] The Daily Kent Stater (April 30, 1971)

The Daily Kent Stater  [The independent student newspaper of Kent State University, Kent, Ohio] 
The Daily Kent Stater (April 30, 1971) 
The Daily Kent Stater Apr 30, 1971 Revelation May 5, 1971 ad
Badfinger performed two sold out shows at the bar, Revelation on the campus of Kent State University on May 5, 1971. This tour was in support of the album “No Dice”. 
Badfinger Revelation May 5, 1971 poster
Poster Artist:  Bear 


[T-shirt 18] by papanez4 (Redbubble)

[T-shirt 05] Redbubble 
Badfinger - Baby Blue Posters $50.00 SMALL (15.8" X 23.2")  by papanez4 
A portion of your purchase goes directly to this artist
Redbubble Badfinger - Baby Blue Long T-Shirt
Badfinger - No Dice - Full Gatefold cover by papanez4 $33.09 
Badfinger - No Dice by papanez4 $28.70 
Badfinger - Straight Up by papanez4 $28.70 
Badfinger - Ass by papanez4 $28.70 
Badfinger - Badfinger by papanez4 $45.66 
Badfinger - Wish You Were Here by papanez4 $28.70 
Badfinger - Badfinger T-shirt by papanez4 $33.09 

[Poster] Reading Students' Rags 1973 present Student Entertainment Guide

Badfinger performed at The Rag Ball at the Student's Union, Reading University on March 3, 1973 
Badfinger March 3, 1973
Reading Students' Rags 1973 present Student Entertainment Guide

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