Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


Angelo Frasca - Per chi (2020) / The Sandwiches - Per chi, Without You

The Sandwiches - Maybe Tomorrow 

Angelo Frasca - Per chi 

The Sandwiches - Per chi + Without You 



The Sandwiches / Hey Cats We're The Sandwiches (1997)

The Sandwiches:  Joey Molland of Badfinger produced our CD.
The Sandwiches - Hey Cats We're The Sandwiches b
How does Joey Molland fit into this picture?  He moved from Liverpool to Minneapolis to get married. I sent him a letter and our 45" single and he agreed to produce us at his bass player Mark Healey's studio, Aurora Borealis, which is in Minneapolis. 
The Sandwiches / Hey Cats We're The Sandwiches 
The Sandwiches - Hey Cats We're The Sandwiches c
1997/11/30   CD   Edible Records:006     Hey Cats We're The Sandwiches 
2006/12/05   DL   Edible Records:     Hey Cats We're The Sandwiches 

The Sandwiches - Hey Cats We're The Sandwiches (1997)
4. Floating Down a River [12-string guitar: Joey Molland] 
6. You Belong in a Movie [percussion: Joey Molland] 
8. Stars in Her Eyes (Turned Into Babies) [percussion: Joey Molland] 
The Sandwiches - Hey Cats We're The Sandwiches d
The Sandwiches' debut release, "Hey, Cats" was produced by Joey Molland and features the oboes tylings of Jenny Loop. This album contains the "local ditty of the decade" (according to Pat Whalen, of K-Tel records) about the Sandwiches' first Minneapolis dwelling located between a mortuary and a Mcdonald's. 
"Punk rock tried to destroy rock stardom the hard way. The Sandwiches use a softer touch." 
-Jim Meyer, Star Tribune 
The Sandwiches / Rock On, Scubatron 
1998/   CD   Edible Records:007     Rock On, Scubatron 
2008/07/03   DL   Edible Records:     Rock On, Scubatron 

The Sandwiches - Rock On, Scubatron (1997)
9. Sonnet 29 [Guitar: Joey Molland] 
"Rock on..." was recorded in Minneapolis with the futuristic seventies production style of Mark Healey at Aurora Borealis studio and includes special guests such as Joey Molland (Badfinger) and actor Bob Davis (A Simple Plan). 

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