Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


Neighborhood Picnic Band - Know One Knows (2023)

Neighborhood Picnic Band - Know One Knows (2023) 

Scott Jensen - Lead Vocal, Guitar 
Mark Baker - Vocals, Guitar 
John Ryan - Guitar 
Ray McCurdy - Bass 
Dan Van Schindel - Drums 
 Scott Jensen - Name of the Game / We're for the Dark / Baby Blue 


Sail Away (Tom Evans)

Sail Away [Tom Evans (vocals) and Nicky Hopkins (piano)] 
Joey Molland, Joe Tansin, Tom Evans, Nicky Hopkins 1979
Joey Molland, Joe Tansin, Tom Evans and Nicky Hopkins 

He (Tom Evans) told me (Scott Jensen?) this was his answer to Pete's Name of the Game, and that he was basically talking to Pete. 



Scott Jensen - Name of the Game / We're for the Dark / Baby Blue

かなり前から何曲もカバーしている人。 80年代に、Tom Evans にデモ・テープを送ったりしたらしい。 カバーしている曲は Pete Ham だし、自作曲(かなりいい)もPete系なので、当時Peteが生きていたら、TomじゃなくてPeteに送っていたのかもと妄想中。
Scott Jensen
Scott Jensen - We're for the Dark

Scott Jensen - Name of the Game 
Scott Jensen Neighborhood Band - Baby Blue

Triadd - No Matter What (2009)
Jensongs Band - In the Middle of Persecution

Jensongs Band - Disagree to Agree

 Neighborhood Picnic Band - Know One Knows (2023) 

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