Badfinger covers

バッドフィンガー Badfinger の周辺をいろいろと... Badfinger の曲をカバーした人とか、ちょっと関わった人とか 外周を遠回りに巡ってます


[Sothebys] Francis Rossi's Grimshaw Guitar Serial #441

August 1990 Sothebys auction catalogue page, the guitar is a Park badged GS30 dating from 1967(ex Pete Ham, Francis Rossi) is believed to have been sold to someone in Singapore. It was put up for auction by the wife of John Coughlan drummer Status Quo.  
Francis Rossi's Grimshaw Guitar Serial #441
black-and-green Grimshaw guitar GS30 
Francis Rossi aquired this guitar from Pete Ham. 
Status Quo 1968 Francis Rossi with GS30 
If I remember right, didn’t he get that GS30 from Peter Ham of Badfinger ?? 
ERICJS 18TH JULY 2014 11:19 AM 
Absolutely correct he did 
Francis Rossi “First I had a stereo Gibson and Rick had a 335 on Matchstick Men," he told Total Guitar in 2016, "Then I had this Grimshaw that I got from the guy from Badfinger [Pete Ham].  

“We were touring with Badfinger. Pete Ham had this Grimshaw and he said, ‘Do you want to swap?’ So I swapped my Gibson Stereo for this very average Grimshaw. 

 [Magazine] Vintage Guitar Magazine (March 2014) 


[Magazine] Vintage Guitar Magazine (March 2014)

Vintage Guitar Magazine (March 2014) 
Vintage Guitar Magazine (March 2014)
Status Quo's Francis Rossi 
On Guitars, Music, and Elusive Success 
     by Elliot Stephen Cohen 
This article originally appeared in VG March 2014 issue. 

When I was very young, my dad bought me a Guild Starfire, then a stereo Gibson. Later, I was doing things with Pete Ham from Badfinger, and he had this black-and-green Grimshaw, which was kind of a Les Paul copy. I loved it, and swapped my cheap guitar in return for his, but then the bridge collapsed and it was no good. 
 [Sothebys] Francis Rossi's Grimshaw Guitar Serial #441 


[Newspaper] The Flat Hat (1974)

The Flat Hat has been the College of William and Mary’s student newspaper since 1911. 
The Flat Hat (Feb. 22, 1974) 
The Flat Hat 19740222

William and Mary News (Feb. 26, 1974) 
William and Mary News 19740226

1974年3月3日に William and Mary Hall, Williamsburg, Virginia で上記バンドによるコンサートが開催されたのかよくわからない。Badfinger のサイトや本には前日3月2日の同じVirginia州でのライブは載っているが、この日は書かれていない。Status Quo のサイトには 03/03/1974  USA, Williamsburg - College William & Mary (with Nazareth) と書かれていた。 の Nazareth を調べると、当日はドイツのRock Festivalに出演と書いてある。 

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